After a bit of a break, I got in the garage again today motivated mainly by the arrival of a box of two panels from Rimmer Bros. They were of course the rear trailing arm inner and outer repair panels.
I tackled the outer first, and did a great job of preparing the new and old metal. The panel fitted well, although I had a bit of a conundrum. I had already cut out a large section of the rear floor and didn't know whether the outer trailing arm repair panel should be fitted with the floor in place. I opted to fit it before the floor.
The welding went really well and I turned the mig up in order to get some healthy heat into the panel.
Nicely done, I reckon. |
And the view inside the car. |
However, when I then offered the floor up, the outer trailing arm panel was somewhat in the wrong place, caused mainly by the floor not fitting properly. Cutting down the floor panel and clamping it in place showed that there was enough "give" in the panel to wrap around the curvature of the trailing arm repair, around the inner sill/floor.
The floor roughly cut to the right size and clamped in place. The inner trailing arm repair panel is show here, to the right of the big hole in the floor. |
The inner trailing arm repair panel from Rimmers is basically the compound curve section of the rear bulkhead - the bit that is horrible to make yourself. Its size is a bit random but it fits well, so I guess it is supplied such that you extend it with new flat metal to make the easy bits of the remainder of the repair.
The new floor clamped in place. |
Hopefully tomorrow I will get the floor welded in, all being well. I clamped it in place today and all appeared to fit satisfactorily.
Welcome to World of Clamps. |
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