Saturday, 15 December 2012

Dodwells of Hinckley

When I bought my car in 1993 for a quick tart-up and trip to Greece, it had a dealer sticker in the rear window. It said "Dodwells of Hinckley". The photo shows the car proudly displaying that sticker after the first restoration circa 1994. Unfortunately I failed to appreciate the significance of this provenance and later removed the sticker.

I am a stickler for originality and now wished that I had kept that sticker in the rear window. Neil, however, has done some amazing things with Photoshop and re-created the sticker for me to put in the rear window of the car, once it is restored (and that might be some time!). How he did it just from looking at the photo above, I have no idea.

If anyone knows of a TR-friendly printer who would be willing to make just one of these window stickers, do let me know.

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